Unlock the emotional roadblocks that can inhibit or interfere with the success of therapy
Videowork is the therapeutic process in which therapists assign popular films that relate to core issues of ongoing therapy. Clients are instructed to do their “homework” between sessions and prepare for discussion in future sessions. Rent Two Films and Let’s Talk in the Morning explores how therapeutic work interwoven with popular films enhances traditional therapy. This much-anticipated revision provides an introduction to the use of movie rentals in therapy and serves as a able reference for therapists who need to assign videos as homework.
Authors John and Jan Hesley address the dilemmas you could face when deciding when it is appropriate to assign a film, and offer friendly guidance and detailed information on each aspect of the use of films as tools in therapy.
In addition, this up to date edition:
* Provides concise descriptions of dozens of popular videos and shows how they are able to be used as therapy for specific therapeutic needs (divorce, child abuse, substance abuse, and so forth.)
* Contains a revised organizational structure, covering therapy topics based on patient issues continuously encountered in therapy, including marital problems, parenting, job stress, abuse, and emotional disorders
* Offers suggestions on selecting films, creating assignments, and processing homework
* Provides newly released film reviews, along side 40 additional films with brief descriptions, in the “Therapists’ Film Reference”
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