Vitaphone Varieties Volume Three


Highly Recommended

The Shorts:

After a long wait, Warner Brothers, through their direct-to-consumerprogram The Warner Archives, have released the third volume of VitaphoneVarieties. It’s been over four years since the second volumewas released, and it’s great that they are continuing thecollection. This single disc (the previous installments weremulti-disc collections) contains 16 rare shorts with appearances byperformers who are great, not so great, and just weird. It’s a funand entertaining collection that’s sure to amuse.

Most of these one-reel shorts feature performers that were recruitedfrom the vaudeville circuits. (One performer didn’t even bother tochange the patter in his act, and discusses how everyone came out tosee a vaudeville show.) At the time these were surely just a quick…Read the entire review

Source: DVD Talk

By Max Schindler

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