The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson: The Vault Series Volumes 7-12


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The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson DVD Set Review

The TonightShow StarringJohnny Carson was a long-running NBCtelevision talk show and variety program which airedfor 30 seasons from 1962-1992. The series was beloved, in part, becauseof itslegendary host. Carson is highly regarded as one of the best televisionhostsin history.

Johnny Carson hasoften been hailed as the father of modern late night television withhis use ofstand-up comedy and a format of television variety programming whichhas beenused in large part since. Though late night television has certainlyhad someupdates or tweaks over time, Carson’s method of a comedy openingmonologue andintervie…Read the entire review

Source: DVD Talk

By Max Schindler

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