Bikes vs. Cars



.or A Tale of Five Cities: Los Angeles, Sao Paolo, Copenhagen, Toronto and Bogota are the main focus of Swedish filmmaker Fredrik Gertten’s cross-continental look at the ever-present problems of humans’ desire to get from Point A to Point B as easily and quickly as possible. Having spent the entire 1980s in the city of Davis, CA which is regarded as at least one of the world’s bicycle capitals (another city claims that honor here) I’ve had drilled into my head for a long time the idea that cars are costly, consume too much energy and cause pollution while bicycles consume no energy at all and keep frequent riders in top physical shape. With that in mind you’d think bikes would be the preferable way to travel, but when you’re lazy it seems so easy to just get in your ca…Read the entire review

Source: DVD Talk

By Max Schindler

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