
Batwoman Season 2 Episode 8 Review: Survived Much Worse

This Batwoman review contains spoilers. Batwoman Season 2, Episode 8 This season of Batwoman has focused a lot on the question posed in the season premiere title:  What happened to Kate Kane? Despite what could have been an open-and-shut, neatly wrapped-up character exit where Kate Kane dies suddenly in a plane crash, the writers felt it was important to keep Kate in play and reintroduced the possibility of her survival in Episode 3 of the season, “Bat Girl Magic.” Then, I was annoyed by the show’s choice to recenter Kate, perhaps because I suspected there would be no satisfying follow-through—like…
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PlayStation 5’s Launch Can’t Be Worse Than the PS2’s

Expectations are high for the upcoming launch of the PlayStation 5, but the truth of the matter has always been that a console’s launch is typically a poor indicator of its future success. Historically speaking, there’s no greater proof of that argument than the launch of the PS2. The PlayStation 2 may be the best-selling console ever made, but its infamous launch was hindered by shortages, disappointing games, and explosive rumors. It was a rocky debut for a console that millions of gamers consider to be the greatest ever made, but twenty years removed from the horrors of simply trying…
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