
Resident Evil Village: Why Ethan Winters Is the Worst RE Protagonist

This article contains RESIDENT EVIL VILLAGE spoilers. I walked away from Resident Evil Village with mixed feelings about the whole thing, but the one aspect of the long-awaited sequel I had no mixed feelings about was leading man Ethan Winters and his status as the absolute worst. While there have been other unlikable Resident Evil protagonists, Resident Evil 7 and Resident Evil Village‘s Ethan Winters is on another level. Unlike other RE heroes that were hindered by a combination of bad voice acting, bad writing, and questionable lore, Ethan Winters’ brings all of those unfortunate elements to the table and adds a…
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Dean Winters is a True TV Vulture

While Brooklyn Nine-Nine typically coasts on the charms of its ensemble cast and their silly and sweet camaraderie, the show arguably is at its best when the Nine-Nine has a common enemy to unite against. Between dim bulb Captain C.J. Stentley (Ken Marino), smug saboteur Commissioner John Kelly (Phil Reeves), and Holt’s long-time rival Madeline Wuntch (Kyra Sedgwick), there hasn’t been a shortage of antagonists during Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s seven season run. However, there’s one frequent persona non grata that seems to constantly get underneath the entire precinct’s skin. His name? Keith Pembroke, but you may know him better as The…
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