
The Flash: The Long Slow Decline of Harrison Wells

The following contains The Flash spoilers. Though The Flash Season 7 episode “Timeless” is a largely forgettable mishmash of bad time travel logic and mixed messages about whether the “Forces” that have dominated this season to date are powerful god beings or sadly manipulated humans in need of quasi-parental love from Barry and Iris, it is memorable in one aspect: Theoretically, it is the last gasp of Harrison Wells. Sure, we’ve said goodbye to at least a half dozen versions of Wells over the years only to see a new one pop up several episodes later, like a multiverse-spanning game…
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The Flash Season 7 Episode 1 Review: All’s Wells That Ends Wells

This The Flash review contains spoilers. The Flash Season 7 Episode 1 It’s likely that most of us are so glad to have The Flash back on our screens that the Season 7 premiere could probably have featured our faves doing system updates on the STAR Labs computers and we would have been fine with it. Thankfully, although “All’s Wells That Ends Wells” is not necessarily the hour that many of us would have chosen to kick off the series’ seventh season, it is still a charming and emotional showcase for stars Grant Gustin and Tom Cavanagh that’s more than…
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Nomadland: How Bob Wells’ Real Life Story Grounds a Quiet Depiction of Grief

We’ve already written more generally about how director and writer Chloé Zhao used documentary techniques to blur real life and fiction in her neo-western drama Nomadland, which is now available to stream on Hulu. One of the chief filmmaking choices Zhao made was to utilize non-actors to play fictionalized versions of themselves. Characters like Linda May and Swankie are played by real-life nomads who live in their vans. Bob Wells, a vlogger and author who writes about life lived in his refurbished van, is the most famous of the actual nomads to appear in Nomadland. Wells is an older American…
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