With the future of the human race at stake, a group of young men and women, bred for intelligence and obedience, embark on an expedition to colonize a distant planet. But when they uncover disturbing secrets about the mission, they defy their training and begin to explore their most primitive natures. As life on the ship descends into chaos, they’re consumed by fear, lust, and the insatiable hunger for power. Rated: PG-13Release Date: Apr 09, 2021
Writer-director Neil Burger has dipped into science fiction both for adults and the YA audience a couple of times throughout his career. First with his 2011 film Limitless, in which Bradley Cooper becomes a mental powerhouse thanks to a mysterious drug; in 2014, he helmed Divergent, one of the last gasps of the dystopian young adult subgenre; and with the new film Voyagers —which features the filmmaker’s first original screenplay since 2008’s The Lucky Ones—Burger plunges full-on into sci-fi with a space-based thriller that takes some familiar material, and… doesn’t do much with it. There are two familiar—perhaps overly familiar—plot…