
Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 4 Review: The Fate of the Buried Treasure

This NANCY DREW review contains spoilers. Nancy Drew Season 2, Episode 4 Leave it to Nancy Drew to humanize a monstrous sea spirit, but that’s precisely what “The Fate of the Buried Treasure” does, an hour that that not just provides context around the life of the woman who ultimately became the Aglaeca, but reveals that she was really just the first in an apparent line of women whose life was ruined by the horrible men of Horseshoe Bay. (Plus, it looks like Ryan and Nancy have more in common than we thought, in an adorable crime-solving sort of way.)…
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Al Capone’s Lost Treasure and Why It Was Never Unearthed

Capone, written and directed by Josh Trank of The Fantastic Four fame, isn’t a gangster film so much as it is a tearjerker. It is set when America’s most infamous gangster is 47 and his mind is rotting from dementia. Beneath the family tragedy is a national mystery. Whatever happened to the millions of dollars Capone stashed before he went to jail for tax evasion? Geraldo Rivera tried to answer this in the run-up to his 1986 TV special, The Mystery of Al Capone’s Vaults. But when he opened Capone’s secret vault in the Lexington Hotel live on TV, there…
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