
Black Lightning Season 4 Episode 6 Review: The Book of Ruin: Chapter 2: Theseus’s Ship

This Black Lightning review contains spoilers. Black Lightning Season 4, Episode 6 The Ship of Theseus thought project asks if you replace all the parts of a thing over time is it the same thing or something else. There is no easy answer, except in the case of Jennifer Pierce, who is the same in all but appearance. A person is not just their body; they are the culmination of all of their experiences. And that persists even when the body is altered or damaged—or, in the case of Jen, unmade then made anew. Still the question has to be…
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WandaVision: Ship of Theseus Explained

This article contains spoilers for WandaVision episode 9. Much of WandaVision’s ninth and final episode, fittingly titled “The Series Finale”, centers on a good old-fashioned synthezoid battle. In one corner, you have The Vision, lovingly recreated by Wanda Maximoff’s Mind Stone-infused powers. In the other corner is The White Vision, hatefully brought back to life by billions upon billions of the U.S. government’s dollars (and some fairy dust).  The two Visions’ battle takes them through every corner of the hex surrounding Westview, destroying oodles of property in the process. It seems as though the two Visions are so well-matched that…
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