
Superintelligence Review: Melissa McCarthy Movie Needed to Upload More Laughs

Superintelligence is a strange experiment of a film. Maybe that’s by design since the crux of the movie pivots on a sentient artificial intelligence studying Melissa McCarthy for three days, using her “averageness” as a barometer to determine if humanity is worth saving. But the real test of the film appears to be if you cast an entire troupe of charming actors, with McCarthy as the lead, and not include one laugh… will audiences still think they’re watching a comedy? To be sure there are plenty of pleasant actors doing pleasant enough work in Superintelligence, from McCarthy as everywoman Carol…
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Nothing extraordinary ever happens to Carol Peters (Melissa McCarthy), so when she starts getting snarky backtalk from her TV, phone and microwave, she thinks she’s being punked. Or losing her mind. In fact, the world’s first superintelligence has selected her for observation, taking over her life…with a bigger, more ominous plan to take over everything. Now Carol is humanity’s last chance before this artificial intelligence-with-an-attitude decides to pull the plug. Rated: PGRelease Date: Nov 26, 2020
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