
Pentagon UFO Division to Reveal Aerial Vehicle Sightings Caught by Naval Intelligence

The Pentagon can be quite the tease, especially when it comes to UFOs. They’ve claimed the phenomenon doesn’t exist, that they looked into it and lost interest, and they disbanded the unit they had investigating it. Now The New York Times is reporting the top military office never stopped looking at the skies. They just stopped telling us about it. The program, called the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force, is not classified, though some subjects contained in it are, but the Pentagon still prefers not to discuss it. A Senate committee has given them 180 days to tease us with…
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Link Tank: The States in America With the Most UFO Sightings

Some states believe more than others. Here are the ten USA states with the most UFO sightings. “According to the National UFO Reporting Center, there have been more than 4000 UFO sightings so far in 2020—meaning that this year, we’re already well on our way to eclipsing the 5971 sightings reported in 2019.” Read more at Mental Floss. The “Jurassic Park Updates” account on Twitter is a trove of hilarious tweets from imaginary staff working at the fictional dinosaur theme park. “We have few enough sources of hilarity these days, which is one reason why the new Twitter account Jurassic…
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