
Utopia: How the US Remake Changes the UK Show’s Most Controversial Sequence

Warning: Contains Utopia plot details (original and remake) Compare the openings of the original Utopia and the US remake, and you’d be forgiven for thinking that the new version had softened the show’s hard edges. Right out of the gates, the 2013 UK original kicks off with a series of murders. In the aptly named Doomsday Comics shop, a pair of assassins cosh one man with a metal pipe, and gas another two men and a child to death. Before we know anything about Utopia’s story or its characters, we’re confronted by unsettling violence. Beware, is the message, nobody is safe here. That…
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Netflix’s Extraction Director Breaks Down That One-Take Action Sequence

The new Netflix movie Extraction stars Chris Hemsworth (Avengers: Endgame) as Tyler Rake, a highly efficient mercenary who is dispatched to Dhaka, Bangladesh to rescue the teenage son of a drug lord from an even more ruthless one. With a big bad kingpin controlling the streets, Rake and Ovi (Rudhraksh Jaiswal) must fight for every inch of the way to get out of the city and make it to freedom. Produced by Anthony and Joe Russo (from Joe’s screenplay) and directed by Sam Hargrave, stunt coordinator and second unit director on the Russos’ Marvel movies, Extraction is already getting a…
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