
Hearthstone: The Best Scholomance Academy Cards

Earlier this year, the Hearthstone team kicked off the game’s Year of the Phoenix with the release of the phenomenal Ashes of Outland expansion. Both that expansion and the name of the game’s current content year sent a clear message that the Hearthstone team is looking to restore the CCG to glory in the minds of those who may have walked away over the years. That brings us to Scholomance Academy. The recently revealed second Hearthstone expansion of the year looks to pick up where Ashes of Outland left off by changing the way that we play the game. Naturally,…
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Hearthstone Scholomance Academy: Release Date, Trailer, Cards, and News

Blizzard has revealed the first details for the next Hearthstone expansion, Scholomance Academy. “Class will officially be in session early August with the arrival of Scholomance Academy, the next expansion for Blizzard Entertainment’s smash-hit digital card game, Hearthstone,” reads a press release from Blizzard. “Within the hallowed halls of this fabled college of magic, Students will encounter 135 all-new cards, designed to supercharge the game with sorcerous synergies and dazzling displays of arcane splendor.” Considering that Shcolomance is Warcraft‘s most famous school of magic, it should come as no surprise that this expansion will focus on Hearthstone‘s spell cards. In…
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