
Nelson Riddle: Music with a Heartbeat Review – How Classic Songs Become Standard

Nelson Riddle is a patron saint of comic book entertainment. He wrote the theme to Batman, the original 1960s camp classic TV series which paved the way for all things geek. That theme caught the excitement children of all ages felt from the moment of the twirling introductory horns through the POWs and ZOKs of the opening battle. Full-set drum rolls propel a swing-blues rhythm section through an ever-building cascade of wonder. Insistent scat singing clashes with atonal chordal squawks until it sounds like it will all come crumbling down, unless someone fires up the Bat-Signal. You won’t find that…
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Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 6 Review: The Riddle of the Broken Doll

This Nancy drew review contains spoilers. Nancy Drew Season 2, Episode 6 In case you were anxious that Nancy Drew’s second season would slow down now that the gang has finally defeated the Aglaeca for good, “The Riddle of the Broken Doll” is here to prove that we have nothing to worry about in that department. An hour that not only features one of the show’s most grotesque monsters of the week to date, it also cleverly expands Nancy’s world as an investigator and, in doing so, that of the show itself. From doing community service at the local morgue…
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