
Robotech Remix Is Delayed Until The End of the Year

Robotech fans have been extremely worried for the past few months. In January the fourth issue of the newest Robotech comic series, Robotech Remix was released to stores. It was the final issue in the first arc of the story and it left fans hungry for more. It set up more mysteries about what had happened to Dana and Bowie in the original timeline, what Rick has been up to since the end of ‘Curtain Call’, and more.  Later issues of the comic were listed in solicitations and covers were even shared with the media.  However, February came and went without…
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Shaun of the Dead Gets Coronavirus Remix from Simon Pegg and Nick Frost

Over 15 years since Simon Pegg and Nick Frost discovered a shortcut to the Winchester in Shaun of the Dead, the pair are reprising their zombie killers from the beloved cult classic. And for good reason. While in the Edgar Wright movie, Shaun (Pegg) and Ed (Frost) dealt with a very different type of viral outbreak—something to do with the dreaded Z-word—their experience is a great case study in what not to do right now. Both in terms of zombies and the novel coronavirus. In the below public service announcement video, the two riff on one of Shaun of the…
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