
How a Forgotten Avengers Cartoon Predicted MCU Phase 4

While it doesn’t quite stack up to its DC counterpart, the Marvel Animated Universe stretched through the ’90s and had some real bangers. Much like the modern cinematic universe, various cartoons were connected as one giant piece of continuity. X-Men and Spider-Man were the biggest hits while Iron Man, Fantastic Four, and others had less of an impact. The closest thing they had to a climactic culmination was the Secret Wars adaptation near the end of Spider-Man’s final season. After that, they kind of limped into oblivion with a few shows that didn’t catch on. That leads to the biggest…
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Link Tank: How This Weird ’80s Sci-Fi Thriller Predicted Netflix

The weirdest sci-fi thriller of the ’80s, TerrorVision, was ahead of its time with its prediction of the era of Netflix. “Like the rest of his warped nuclear family, Stanley Putterman (Gerrit Graham) can’t contain his excitement at the new satellite dish that will beam hundreds of channels into their ridiculously garish home. This is 1986, after all, an era when even cable could only offer a few dozen. But by the end of Ted Nicolaou’s ultra-kitsch monster mash, their insatiable appetite for the small screen has literally consumed them all.” Read more at Inverse. Do you want to own…
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How 2001: A Space Odyssey May Have Predicted a Surprising Aspect of Space Travel

Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey is regarded today as one of the most influential and important pieces of science fiction ever made. Decades later, the story of how man was born and reached the stars still feels like more than just a space-faring fairy tale. Today, the movie is recognized for its predictive power. In fact, according to a new scientific study, 2001 may have predicted yet another aspect of space travel researchers are only beginning to understand. The Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) released a study in April 2020 that shows how the…
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