
Resident Evil Village: Megamycete, Mold, and Cadou Parasite Explained

Towards the end of Resident Evil Village‘s story, the game starts throwing out the terms “Megamycete,” “Mold,” and “Cadou Parasite” like they’re all things you should be intimately familiar with by that point. The problem is that unless you’ve been paying very close attention to the game’s hidden files, dialog, and environmental clues, there’s a very good chance you’ll have no idea what any of those terms actually mean. It’s a bit of a shame that the game doesn’t do a little better job of explaining the relationship between those phrases, as the true meaning of all of them, and…
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Meet the Park Family: the picture of aspirational wealth. And the Kim Family, rich in street smarts but not much else. Be it chance or fate, these two houses are brought together and the Kims sense a golden opportunity. Masterminded by college-aged Ki-woo, the Kim children expediently install themselves as tutor and art therapist, to the Parks. Soon, a symbiotic relationship forms between the two families. The Kims provide “indispensable” luxury services while the Parks obliviously bankroll their entire household. When a parasitic interloper threatens the Kims’ newfound comfort, a savage, underhanded battle for dominance breaks out, threatening to destroy…
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