
Snowpiercer Season 2 Episode 3 Review: A Great Odyssey

This Snowpiercer review contains spoilers. Snowpiercer Season 2 Episode 3 A friend of mine from high school dropped out of college and bounced around multiple jobs before he got a job he loves. He now works as, of all things, an engineer in a train yard. Rather than taking the trains out on long hauls, he drives to the yard and moves trains around from the shed to the appropriate track and back as needed. The work is hard and outdoors in all weather, but satisfying enough that, last time we spoke, he was still an engineer. Even his relatively…
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How 2001: A Space Odyssey May Have Predicted a Surprising Aspect of Space Travel

Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey is regarded today as one of the most influential and important pieces of science fiction ever made. Decades later, the story of how man was born and reached the stars still feels like more than just a space-faring fairy tale. Today, the movie is recognized for its predictive power. In fact, according to a new scientific study, 2001 may have predicted yet another aspect of space travel researchers are only beginning to understand. The Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) released a study in April 2020 that shows how the…
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