
The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers Review (Spoiler-Free)

Get this: a new series based on an existing film franchise is hitting a streaming service this month. Shocking, right? With the streaming wars in full effect and beloved, existing intellectual property coveted by media conglomerates more than ever, it’s safe to assume that reboots, reimaginings, and retreads will be hitting Netflix, HBO Max, and Disney+ until the end of time. Everything old is new again. And again. And again. And again. Disney deciding to dust off The Mighty Ducks franchise is not the least bit surprising. If anything, it’s surprising that a reboot has taken this long. Perhaps the…
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Mighty Max: Original Voice Actor Suggests It’s Time for a Comeback

Recently, I had the honor of getting to talk to voice actor Ron Paulsen for about an hour. The point of the interview was to discuss the Animaniacs revival on Hulu and a little bit about his autobiography Voice Lessons, but the two of us discussed all kinds of corners of his career. Rob, an incredibly friendly guy who comes off like there’s nothing he’d rather do than talk with a fan, talked up everything from Pinky and the Brain to Metal Gear Solid. Starting way back in the GI Joe days, Rob Paulsen has been doing the voice acting…
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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Comic Ends With A Giant Zord Battle

The Boom Studios Power Rangers comics have given us things the TV show never could. Hundreds of Rangers in combat on the moon, monsters impossible even for Toei to create, and storylines that we could have only dreamed of. However, one of the best things to come out of the Boom comics are the Zord battles. As cool as they are in the show, the ability to render a Zord battle on the drawn page is something to behold. The things that can do when they don’t have to move a person in a costume or a model around have…
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The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Movie We Almost Got

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie is a cult classic amongst ‘90s pop culture enthusiasts and Power Rangers fans. Even with its fairly standard ‘90s adventure movie plot, wherein the Rangers lose their powers and have to go on a mystical quest to gain new ones, the film still sticks in the mind. Main baddie Ivan Ooze chews all the scenery, there are some impressive fight scenes, and the Rangers save the day by kneeing a monster in the balls. Yes the CG is dated, the story doesn’t hold up to some of the better episodes of the show, and…
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