
The Hunger Games Victors, Ranked by Winning Method

The Hunger Games is the first book in a trilogy of dystopian YA novels by Suzanne Collins, that were adapted into a four-film series, with the third book being split into two films. The story follows Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence), who volunteers for the annual battle royale, the Hunger Games, after her sister Prim’s name is drawn. Like the gladiators of old, Hunger Games tributes are compulsorily drafted to fight to the death in dangerous arenas, for the amusement and appeasement of the masses. The games are both a reminder and a warning to the people of Panem to stay…
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Marvel’s 616 Documentary Misrepresents the Actual Marvel Method

The seventh episode of Marvel 616, the Disney+ documentary series promoting the Marvel brand, is titled “The Marvel Method.” It references the pioneering shift in comics work production that came about at the dawn of the Marvel era of comics, and is ostensibly about the fun, wacky way that Marvel comics get made today. What it actually portrays is a high-stress, broken production process. Also, nothing that happens in it is consistent with the traditional Marvel Method. The episode opens with Dan Slott, writer of a near-record 180 issues of Spider-Man comics, and currently Marvel’s Fantastic Four writer, sitting down…
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