
The Little Things Reminds Us Why We’re Drawn to Charismatic Serial Killers

This The Little Things analysis contains spoilers. Read our spoiler-free review here. The Little Things can be seen as a tainted police procedural with its murky ambiguity and troubling ending. But it’s also the story of a man for whom the allure of a charismatic serial killer goes too far. After all, serial killers make up less than one percent of homicides but they average a double-digit percentage of Hollywood crime films, and probably a majority of prison fan mail. What is it about these one-percenters we love so much? Directed by John Lee Hancock, the supposed sociopath in The…
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Crazy, Not Insane Doc Studies Serial Killers’ Minds on HBO

Psychiatrist Dr. Dorothy Otnow Lewis is an influential and controversial figure. She interviewed Ted Bundy four times in 1986 at the request of the defense. Dr. Lewis pioneered psychiatric legal avenues by exploring trauma as root causes of horrific crimes in many cases. HBO’s upcoming Crazy, Not Insane will explore Dr. Lewis’ “lifelong attempts to look beyond the grisly details of homicides into the hearts and minds of the killers themselves,” according to the advance press. The documentary debuts Wednesday, Nov. 18 at 9 pm. Directed and produced by Oscar-winner Alex Gibney (The Inventor: Out For Blood in Silicon Valley,…
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