
Tom & Jerry

One of the most beloved rivalries in history is reignited when Jerry moves into New York City’s finest hotel on the eve of “the wedding of the century,” forcing the event’s desperate planner to hire Tom to get rid of him. The ensuing cat and mouse battle threatens to destroy her career, the wedding and possibly the hotel itself. But soon, an even bigger problem arises: a diabolically ambitious staffer conspiring against all three of them. Rated: PGRelease Date: Feb 26, 2021
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Parks and Recreation: Why is Everyone So Mean to Jerry?

Parks and Recreation is undeniably one of the most beloved comedies of the 21st century, and a lot of that can be attributed to the show’s sunny disposition. While comedies like It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, South Park, and Parks’ direct inspiration The Office were often fueled by nastiness, cynicism, and boorishness, Parks and Rec used the unrelenting positivity of its main character and the warm relationships between its ensemble to create a feel-good atmosphere that naturally lead to laughs.  Parks’ cheery portrayal of competent, well-meaning civil servants running into the grossly ill-informed, misplaced anger of their constituents has earned…
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The Trial of the Chicago 7: Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin Were the Martin and Lewis of the Radical Left

“You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows,” Bob Dylan intoned on his song “Subterranean Homesick Blues,” influencing a group of young mad bombers to blow against the wind. The group at the center of Aaron Sorkin’s The Trial of the Chicago 7 didn’t blow up bathrooms in federal investigative agencies; they protested bombings, and all other forms of violence, when they stood against authority at the Democratic National Convention in 1968. The Youth International Party, or Yippies, was non-violent, even if one of the co-founders, Abbie Hoffman (played by Sacha Baron Cohen in the movie),…
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Jerry Stiller Dead at 92

Film, television, and stage actor Jerry Stiller died of natural causes, as according to his son Ben Stiller. He was 92. “I’m sad to say that my father, Jerry Stiller, passed away from natural causes,” Ben announced on Twitter. “He was a great dad and grandfather, and the most dedicated husband to Anne for about 62 years. He will be greatly missed. Love you Dad.” Stiller is known for his TV roles as Frank Costanza on Seinfeld and Arthur Spooner on The King of Queens, and multiple films including, The Taking of Pelham One, Two, Three, John Waters’ Hairspray, his…
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