
World of Warcraft Burning Crusade Classic: How to Fix Server Issues

World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Classic is finally here, and unless Blizzard has figured out something about server overload that the rest of the video game industry hasn’t, the return of one of WoW‘s most popular expansions ever will likely also mean the return of server issues that prevent some from playing the game. Server problems are essentially the cost of doing business for those who love to play online games, but knowing that doesn’t make it any less frustrating to learn that you can’t actually play your favorite game because the servers that run it just aren’t working.…
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Cyberpunk 2077 Bugs: The Biggest Performance Issues So Far

Cyberpunk 2077‘s early reviews suggest that the most anticipated game of 2020 is quite good. Yet, there is a worrying takeaway from those initial impressions, too. The game appears to be very buggy. While we anticipated that Cyberpunk 2077 would ship with plenty of bugs, which honestly wasn’t all that difficult to predict given the game’s turbulent year, those who have played the full version of Cyberpunk 2077 have confirmed that the game isn’t just burdened by the usual array of open-world performance issues but a truly worrisome collection of game-breaking glitches that could severely impact the title’s launch. Based…
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PS5 Known Issues Include Storage and Rest Mode Glitches

While it turns out that your Xbox Series X (likely) won’t spontaneously burst into flames, it’s inevitable that some early PS5 and Xbox Series X units will suffer from technical and hardware issues. The good news is that it doesn’t seem like the PS5 and Xbox Series X suffer from notable glitches quite as impactful as the infamous “Red Ring of Death” that plagued the launch of the Xbox 360. The bad news is that there are already reports of dead PS5s floating in the internet wild. In fact, popular YouTube game channel ACG recently tweeted that their review PS5…
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The Boys Season 2 Unveils the Daddy Issues Behind the Toxic Masculinity

This article contains spoilers for The Boys season 2. Most male monsters in fiction are made by women. Or, at least, it’s women who tend to get the disproportionate share of the blame when their creations turn out to be significantly less than civilized (perhaps because, historically, most of them were written by men). The most famous examples of murderer-moulding mothers are probably Norma Bates, Cersei Lannister, Olivia Soprano and, of course, Mrs. McAllister (momma raised a real little trap-setting psycho there). In real life, too, serial killers like Ed Kemper, Ed Gein, Ted Bundy and Dennis Nilsen were all…
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How Batwoman Takes on Policing and Social Issues

Police brutality has gone from a niche concern – one most white people considered impolite to bring up at dinner parties – to a compulsory national conversation. It’s long overdue, which has left many playing catch-up, especially white folks and popular media. As David Dennis Jr. pointed out in his excellent Twitter thread (seriously, go read it!) superhero shows have an especially tall order, given that they rely on portraying lawlessness and a fictionalized criminality that the hero can then clamp down on. But that image is out of touch with reality and can send damaging messages. We’ve long discussed…
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