
Zack Snyder’s Justice League Deathstroke Scene Sets up Lost Batman Solo Movie

This article contains Zack Snyder’s Justice League spoilers. Joe Manganiello was supposed to make numerous appearances in the DCEU as Deathstroke, a noted villain, antihero, assassin, and all around badass. His appearance in the post-credits scene of the theatrical cut of Justice League was little more than a cameo, one which explicitly stated that Lex Luthor wanted Manganiello’s Slade Wilson to be the first of a team of villains that could match the Justice League. In other words, it was a setup for a Justice League 2 that would never arrive. But the version of that scene in Zack Snyder’s…
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Deathstroke: Knights and Dragons Shows off Lady Shiva and Ravager Fight

Slade Wilson has a complicated family life. He’s the premier assassin in the DC Universe, with super powers and a big beefy sword and a butler with wit sharper than Slade’s sword. He’s would seem to be the ideal Batman foil, but instead he’s the primary villain of the Teen Titans, and especially Robins in all their varying incarnations. And most of that rivalry comes from Slade’s dysfunctional family, which you can get a glimpse of in this exclusive clip from the upcoming DC animated feature, Deathstroke: Knights and Dragons. The movie looks to be a little bit about Deathstroke’s…
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Deathstroke Animated Movie Trailer and Release Date

Slade Wilson is coming off of the best run of comic stories in the character’s history, and now he’s getting some space in the DC Animated Movie line to shine. Deathstroke: Knights & Dragons was announced as the latest entry in the feature series, with a release date of August 4th, 2020.  Deathstroke was created by Marv Wolfman and George Perez in 1980 as a major antagonist for the Teen Titans, and he eventually evolved into the top assassin in the DC universe. He touches a variety of spheres of characters – the sidekicks, through his Teen Titans connections (and…
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Deathstroke Solo Movie Details Revealed by Gareth Evans

In the final moments of the perplexing chaos that was 2017’s Justice League, True Blood actor Joe Manganiello was introduced as supervillain Deathstroke, recruited by Lex Luthor for vengeance against the likes of Ben Affleck’s Batman. Indeed, a solo DCEU Deathstroke movie was in the works at Warner Bros, set to bring the iconic character’s origin story to life on the big screen, and The Raid director Gareth Evans was attached to direct. “I was actually quite enthused and excited about [Deathstroke] back in the day, when it was first pitched to me,” recalled Evans with Yahoo while promoting his…
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