
Marvel’s Avengers Post Credit Scene Explained

This Marvel’s Avengers article contains spoilers. Post-credits scenes are a staple of the MCU, so it’s only natural that Marvel’s Avengers caps off it’s campaign with a teaser of its own. Following the Avengers’ epic battle with MODOK, his Adaptoid army, and his awakened Kree Sentry over the San Francisco Bay, Kamala goes home to Abu, who allows her to continue Avenging in between her schoolwork—roll credits.  Midway through the credits we’re shown Monica Rappaccini, the newly elected Scientist Supreme at AIM (a position she also holds in the comics) holding a meeting in which she lays out her plans…
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AMC Theatres Credit Rating Downgraded Amid Coronavirus Crisis

In what is most unwelcome news for folks who love going to the movies, the biggest movie theater chain in North America, AMC Theatres, has been given a bad credit rating and forecast by S&P Global. In lieu of the continuing coronavirus pandemic, which appears to be only accelerating in North America and most of Europe, the financial corporation has reevaluated its credit score for AMC Entertainment, downgrading it from a B to a CCC-. This moves the company’s prospects from “highly speculative” to “default imminent, with little prospect for recovery.” AMC Theatres, which was among the first national movie…
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