
Contagion Cast Offers PSAs Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

It’s okay if you feel a bit anxious about the news. Yesterday the U.S. passed China for the most confirmed cases of coronavirus infection in the world, and social distancing has quickly become a fact of life. It’s understandable then that folks have turned to entertainment to contextualize their anxiety, if not fully distract from it. Indeed, Steven Soderbergh and Scott Z. Burns’ Contagion has become one of the most digitally rented and streamed films of the last several months. In February alone, it shot up from Warner Brothers’ 270th most rented movie to their second most. A cold and…
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Contagion: A Warning About Lies in a Crisis

I refuse to eat peanuts at a bar. It’s nothing personal against them, as they can make for an excellent snack, but like cashews, pretzels, chips, or any other miscellaneous “open” food, it remains open to anyone. And I saw a scene begin like this in Contagion nine years ago. Actually it’s the first scene of the movie when Gwyneth Paltrow’s Beth Emhoff sits at an airport bar, sweating profusely. As she absently speaks on the phone with an illicit lover, director Steven Soderbergh’s camera is far less interested in her conversation than where her hands are going: on the…
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