
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Becomes the Captain America: Civil War Sequel We Needed

This article contains The Falcon and the Winter Soldier episode 3 spoilers. The reason Marvel’s Disney+ shows work as a concept is because the movies gave us plenty of interesting characters who sadly didn’t receive enough of a spotlight. The relationship between Wanda Maximoff and Vision only got a few minutes across several movies. The Falcon had his moments, but he was always portrayed as more of an extension of Captain America and didn’t really have a lot of time to explore his life or character. Bucky Barnes was a major part of the Captain America trilogy, but the emphasis…
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The Mandalorian: Jango Fett and Mandalorian Civil War History Explained

This Star Wars: The Mandalorian article contains spoilers. Boba Fett is officially back, armor and all, in Chapter 14 of The Mandalorian, “The Tragedy.” It’s an action-packed return for the beloved bounty hunter too, as we watch him take down stormtroopers with all of his high-tech weapons as well as a Gaderffii stick most often used by Tusken Raiders. Despite being a bit older and left heavily scarred from his time in the sarlacc pit, Boba Fett has lost none of his skill, as that platoon of stormtroopers quickly learns. Fortunately, he turns out to be a friend to Mando…
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