
Legends of Tomorrow and the History of Big Belly Burger

This DC’s Legends of Tomorrow review contains spoilers. There’s a lot to like about “Meat: The Legends,” the second episode in Legends of Tomorrow’s sixth season. The problem is the good bits are generally disconnected from the main plot of the episode, and the rest of it just wasn’t very good. Our first episode to really jump into the season’s arc picks up right where the last one left off: with an alien floating through the timestream, getting smushed on the windshield of the Waverider. From there, the gang picks up a sign of trouble from October, 1955, where they…
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The Simpsons Season 32 Episode 17 Review: Burger Kings

This The Simpsons review contains spoilers. The Simpsons Season 32 Episode 17 The Simpsons Season 32 episode 17 ” Burger Kings,” continues to charbroil Springfield mythology into tasty nuggets of classic comedy. With so much grease built up over the years, the cooks are unafraid to refry old dishes as new cuisine. This season has seen quite a few instances where old storylines are transformed into surprisingly fresh installments. In spite of all outward evidence, and the best testing indicates, Mr. Burns never gets old. Yes, he has made “The Top 100 Most Evil People Over 100” list more times…
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