
Designing Line of Duty: “Buckells’ Office Décor Reflects His Shallowness”

Warning: contains spoilers for the Line of Duty series six finale In preparation for Line of Duty series six, production designer Gillian Devenney and creator Jed Mercurio discussed the character of Detective Superintendent Ian Buckells. An over-promoted dolt around whom smarter officers run rings, how would DSU Buckells decorate his office? Golf was the answer. “The decision to feature his enthusiasm for golf arose from discussions with Jed,” Devenney tells Den of Geek. “Buckells’ character required some evidence of his shallowness and lack of commitment to his career – hence the framed golfing pictures, trophies and the bag of clubs poised ready to head…
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Line of Duty Series 6 Episode 4: Davidson, DNA, Buckells’ Codes & All Our Questions & Theories

Warning: contains spoilers for Line of Duty series 6 episode 4. After all the excitement of episode four (read our spoiler-filled review here), fans could be forgiven for taking a recovery day before putting their minds to work and trying to figure out series six’s many mysteries. But did Steve and Chloe take a rest after that shoot-out? No, so in their honour, neither will we. After all, as Kate told Ted in that piss-stinking underpass make-up scene, we’ve got a case to solve. Jargon of the week: Nominal Anybody convicted, cautioned, reprimanded, warned or arrested of a recordable offence…
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Line of Duty Series 6 Episode 3: Buckells, Steve’s Painkillers & All Our Questions & Theories

Warning: contains spoilers for Line of Duty series 6 episode 3. Now three episodes in to Line of Duty series six, the questions and theories are piling up. Jo Davidson is clearly up to her neck in it, but she’s not the one pulling the strings. Who is Jo talking to on that laptop? Is it H? What hold does the OCG have over her, and what might it have to do with that photograph of her mother from episode one? The final four episodes will tell. In the meantime, after you’ve read our weekly episode review, there’s all this to ponder……
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