
WandaVision: How a Bottle of Wine Could be the Key to the Entire Marvel Series

This article contains WandaVision episode 1 spoilers, and potential spoilers for the rest of the series. With superhero movies – Marvel movies especially – what we know from the comics adds a bit to the experience. It lets us know what to look for and what to expect. Sometimes, the movie uses that against us. Sometimes you get something like Captain America: The Winter Soldier, where comic fans knew the Bucky twist the second the movie was announced. Other times you get something like Logan, where the source material had you prepared for Wolverine being responsible for the X-Men being…
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How Flash Gordon Caught Lightning in a Bottle

Flash Gordon still stands alone in the pantheon of comic book movies 40 years on. Colorful, vibrant, kinky, and often absurd, Mike Hodges’ gaudy tale of an all-American boy defeating a powerful villain from space and saving the Earth in the process had until recently felt far removed from the predominantly safe and CG-heavy comic book fare of the last few decades, despite its familiar themes and due in large part to its distinct refusal to take itself seriously. But the film we know and love is a world away from how it began. Back in the 1970s, wealthy businessman…
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