
Hearthstone Battlegrounds New Rating System Explained by Blizzard

Hearthstone‘s Battlegrounds mode will receive a new ratings and rankings system that will be added to the game as part of the upcoming 18.4 patch. The foundation of the new rating system is fairly simple. Basically, everybody’s Battlegrounds rating will be reset to 0 regardless of where they currently are. Following the reset, players will work their way through new progression tiers. However, your progression won’t really kick in until a player has reached over 2000 rating points. Until you’ve crossed 2000 rating points, it’s not possible for a Battlegrounds player to lose rating points. Between 2000 and 6000 points,…
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Hearthstone 18.4 Patch Notes Feature New Battlegrounds Heroes and Minions

Blizzard has released the patch notes for Hearthstone‘s upcoming 18.4 update, and they once again feature major changes for the CCG’s Constructed and Battlegrounds modes. Let’s start with Battlegrounds. As we mentioned elsewhere, Battlegrounds ranking system will soon receive a massive overhaul that will essentially bring the auto-battler’s ranked system mechanically closer to the one featured in the game’s Constructed mode. However, Battlegrounds will also receive a wave of new heroes and minions as part of a special event that begins with the release of the 18.4 patch. Here’s a breakdown of the new heroes and minions coming to Battlegrounds:…
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Hearthstone 18.0.2 Patch Notes Feature Constructed and Battlegrounds Nerfs

Blizzard has released the patch notes for Hearthstone‘s upcoming 18.0.2 update, and they include some major changes to some of the most notable cards in Hearthstone‘s Constructed and Battlegrounds modes. Let’s start with constructed where the dominant Kael’thas Sunstrider will soon suffer the biggest nerf. Previously, Sunstrider made every third spell you played in a turn cost 0. It wasn’t long before players found ways to trigger this devastating effect multiple times a turn and essentially win the game without the opponent being able to stop them. The new version of Kael’thas Sunstrider will instead reduce the cost of the…
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