
South Park Will Attempt to Satirize QAnon

Once upon a time, some guy (or gal…but honestly: almost certain guy) decided to LARP on an Internet message board as a high level government official with Q clearance at the Department of Energy. That set a series of events in motion that culminated in the unthinkable…another hour-long South Park special. While Comedy Central’s long-running animated classic is best known for being ultra topical by entering into production just one week before airing, its creators now seem increasingly willing to experiment with the show’s production schedule. Last September’s South Park The Pandemic Special was an hour-long installment that was announced…
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Why the Xbox Series X Smoking Videos Are a Poor Attempt to Reignite the Overheating Controversy

Just a day after the official launch of the Xbox Series X, one thing seemed to dominate the conversation around Microsoft’s next-gen console: a series of viral videos allegedly depicting a major overheating issue, as thick clouds of smoke were desperately expelled through the console’s top vents. The makers of the videos claimed that the Xbox Series X had grown so hot that the components inside were literally seconds away from catching fire. I’ve spent the last two weeks with the Xbox Series X, testing out everything from its excellent load times and 4K 60fps visuals to its backward compatibility…
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