If you ask most casual film fans when sound came to the movies,they’d say in 1927 with the release of The Jazz Singer. While that is when they became popular, various companies werelooking to add sound to movies for years. The earliest filmsthat were created with synchronized sound for public consumptionwere released way back in 1913 under the Kinetophone label. Itwas a sound-on-cylinder system created by the Thomas Edison’scompany, and one of the reasons that it didn’t catch on inpopularity was that it didn’t really work. The sound andvisuals would often go out of synch and once that happened it washard to get them back together. Now, thanks to moderntechnology, the Library of Congress in association with the museumof the Thomas Edison National Historic Park has been able to matchup the audio and video to the eight survi…Read the entire review
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