Space Jam To Arrive on HBO Max Next Month


Sports in 2020 have effectively been canceled. The coronavirus outbreak has made it so people can no longer congregate in large groups or come into close physical contact with one another. Many sports leagues are trying their best to resume play, but new outbreaks and difficult logistics threaten to keep the sports world benched at least until 2021. Thankfully, HBO Max is stepping up to the plate (or the free throw line) by adding Space Jam to its stream on July 1.

Michael Jordan has been quite the star of this sports-less summer. ESPN’s 1998 Chicago Bulls documentary The Last Dance captured the attention of those hungry for athletic action. The Micheal Jordan docuseries was the talk of the TV world in the spring, reigniting the debate about who is the greatest basketball player of all-time and creating new intrigue around Jordan’s infamous “flu” game. 

Many questions from the documentary were left unaddressed, like why Micheal seemed to delight in tormenting Bulls forward Scott Burrell, how could someone get such enjoyment out of listening to Kenny Lattimore, and what exactly caused Micheal’s illness during Game 5 of the 1997 NBA Finals

However, we at Den of Geek want to know exactly what type of camera Stan Polodak was using when he took a photo of Micheal Jordan and the NBA great was promptly sucked down a golf hole. Yes, we find it odd that the completely nonfiction, 100% real story Space Jam was largely omitted from The Last Dance.

Luckily, the living testament about the time Micheal Jordan saved the Looney Tunes from interstellar enslavement, Space Jam, is coming to HBO Max in July, so everyone can finally complete the story of Jordan’s ‘90s exploits. The world needs sports, so HBO Max is giving us access to one of the greatest basketball games ever played. The summer of Jordan lives on!

Nearly 25 years after it was first released, Space Jam remains a fascinating cultural artifact. As The Last Dance discussed, Jordan filmed the live-action and animation mashup film while he was at the height of his powers during his second Chicago Bulls run. The movie is beloved by ‘90s nostalgists and weirdly remains a big part of Jordan’s legacy and argument as basketball GOAT.

Perhaps that’s why current basketball ubermensch LeBron James is set to produce and star in the upcoming Space Jam sequel. Space Jam: A New Legacy is set to be released on July 16, 2021.

The post Space Jam To Arrive on HBO Max Next Month appeared first on Den of Geek.



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