Robin Williams Comic Genius


DVD Talk Collector Series

The Specials:

The title of this DVD goldmine for fans of Robin Williams’ stand-up and improv work can be described with a word that Williams used frequently in his acts over the decades: Redundant. After his singular success in stand-up, film, and TV, everyone should know at this point that the Comic Genius description comes prepackaged with the name. It was for me when I first came to San Francisco for grad school in late 2002, but I mostly knew of Williams’ genius through his film roles, a cornucopia of comedic and dramatic work that showcased his immensely versatile talent.

But I didn’t know much about his stand-up work, coming from a country where his HBO specials weren’t available. A San Francisco native who became a beloved figure of the city as his fame rose; he represented the perfect welcome for me as I bought his 2002 Live on Broadway special on DVD on my first day in th…Read the entire review



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