In September 2017, at the age of 91 and with 201 credits to his name (the final film still to be released), legendary character actor Harry Dean Stanton passed away. Throughout his career, Stanton managed to end up in any number of classics big and small: as one of the blue-collar workers in Alien, as Molly Ringwald’s sweetly wounded father in Pretty in Pink, as a coke-snorting loose cannon in Alex Cox’s cult classic Repo Man, as a wistful and heartbroken ex-lover in Paris, Texas, and even popping up in a cameo as a security guard in Marvel’s first billion-dollar smash, The Avengers. As his final feat, he managed to go out in 2017 with some of his best work, reprising his role as trailer park manager Carl Rodd in his good friend David Lynch’s miraculous and terrifying continuation of “Twin Peaks,” and in one of his first starring roles in years, as the title…Read the entire review