Link Tank: Pro Wrestler Sasha Banks Landed Her Mandalorian Role Thanks to Hot Wings


Pro wrestler Sasha Banks apparently got her Mandalorian cameo gig thanks to a plate of chicken wings.

“Professional wrestler Sasha Banks has followed in the footsteps of Dwayne Johnson, Dave Bautista, and so many others, making her (small) screen debut in season two of The Mandalorian. But it wasn’t just her time in the ring that got her the gig. It was a plate of hot wings.”

Read more at Gizmodo.

When we think of the turkey, we generally think of the bird cooked. However, live turkeys, especially these turkey attack stories, make for hilarious Thanksgiving dinner conversations as well.

“In the last several decades, conservation organizations have successfully brought wild turkeys back from the brink of extinction in the U.S.—so it’s not uncommon to run into one (or many) in your neighborhood. While most of these encounters are innocuous, turkeys have been known to lash out at cars, mail carriers, and kitchen windows in the past.”

Read more at Mental Floss.

We’re almost three-quarters of the way through NaNoWriMo 2020. Check out these bestselling books that started out as NaNoWriMo projects.

“Just like that, November is nearly over! For those of us who started on ambitious writing projects for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo, as it’s affectionately called), it feels as if we’ve barely had time to settle in to our writing routines before the finish line is suddenly dangling in front of us.”

Read more at Mental Floss.

Call of Duty Cold Wars is a decent follow-up to the Black Ops sub-series, but still falls short of expectations.

“In the newest game in the Call of Duty series —and fifth in the Black Ops sub-series, Black Ops Cold War indulges in its title period like a John Frankenheimer movie as it introduces a new feature: A custom protagonist for the single-player story.”

Read more at Inverse.

Twitter’s expiring Tweets feature, called Fleets, is rolling out worldwide today. Fleets will only last for 24 hours before they disappear.

“Twitter’s expiring tweet function, Fleets, is launching globally today, giving users a new way to post content on the social media platform. The feature is basically Instagram Stories. Content you post to Fleets—which will appear as a special bar over the Twitter timeline—will only last for 24 hours before it’s deleted.”

Read more at PCMag.

In The Crown Season 4, Episode 5, a man broke into Queen Elizabeth’s bedroom. This was based on an actual incident in 1982.

“The real Michael Fagan, played on screen by Tom Brooke, is very much alive, which means he has made his issues with the episode well known. He has said in interviews with The Sun and The Guardian that he is displeased with the casting, arguing the actor had ‘no charisma’ and was ‘totally charmless.’”

Read more at Thrillist.

The post Link Tank: Pro Wrestler Sasha Banks Landed Her Mandalorian Role Thanks to Hot Wings appeared first on Den of Geek.



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