In Between (aka Bar Bahar)


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When it comes to art that is ostensibly creative or unique, the films that land at a crossroads between culture and cliche are the most complicated to assess. As the old Ebert quote goes, it’s not what a film is about, but how the movie is about that subject, but even films that offer a unique cultural perspective or artistic voice, can end up weighed down by the how of familiar story beats or plot devices. In Between is one of those films: a striking feminist statement that no doubt stands out among the films currently being made in Palestine, about Palestinian women, but which also feels somewhat uninspired in terms of the characters and story that debut writer/director Maysaloun Hamoud uses to put that statement onto the screen.

Salma (Sana Jammalieh) and Laila (Mouna Hawa) are two young Palestinian women who don’t fit traditional cultural expectations. Salma is a lesbian DJ who …Read the entire review


By Max Schindler

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