All Hail the Popcorn King Documentary Lauds Joe R. Lansdale


“Hallowed be thy name, oh Lord, and shotgun do your stuff,” wrote Joe R. Lansdale in one of his more than 50 novels, 400 short stories, and countless comic books and screenplays. But while a prolific storyteller, Lansdale is no ordinary writer. He’s the kind of guy who when tasked with writing a sequel to The Drive-In, he subtitled it Not Just One of Them Sequels. He knew you couldn’t skin a rabbit and keep it as a pet. The Texas native also inspired a generation of suspense writers, and the immersive and obsessive documentary on the author, All Hail the Popcorn King, has been touring the country and will be released wider over the coming months.

By the same token, Hansi Oppenheimer is not just any documentary filmmaker. She put the grr in fangrrl. Her upcoming All Hail the Popcorn King promises to be a “five-star” documentary on the award-winning author and screenwriter. The film is a tribute to and examination of the Lone Star State’s “writer of the purple rage.” Lansdale writes in every genre and in almost every format. And as per the press statement, he’s even saddled “his own brand of ‘martial science,’ aka Shen Chuan.”

The documentary features interviews with Bruce Campbell, James Purefoy, Joe Hill, Don Coscarelli, Mick Garris, Del Howison, Amber Benson, novelist David J. Schow, and former Fangoria editor Tony Timpone.

Lansdale is  known for his unique voice and generosity and support of other writers and filmmakers. The film explains how he maintains a unique vision through works like Bubba Ho-Tep, Cold in July, The Drive-in, and the Hap & Leonard series. The life story of this 10-time Bram Stoker Award-winning “Champion Mojo Storyteller” from the piney woods of Nacogdoches is “every bit as extraordinary as any one of his artistic endeavors,” reads the press release. Lansdale is also a Master in Martial Arts and created his own technique.

You can watch the All Hail the Popcorn King trailer here:

The film is produced by The Squee Project, a media network supporting representation, feminism, and diversity in pop culture. Oppenheimer, who is CEO, produced the fan-centric creative event SqueeCon 12/18, and produces the podcast “The Grr in Fangrrl” on semi-regular basis on BlockTalkRadio.All Hail the Popcorn King will be released later this year.

The post All Hail the Popcorn King Documentary Lauds Joe R. Lansdale appeared first on Den of Geek.



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