Ted (Stanley Tucci) is a once-acclaimed author who teaches writing at a small liberal arts college. Though his marriage to Sherrie (Kyra Sedgwick) is comfortable, he finds himself drowning in discontent — stuffy departmental dinners at which he drinks too much, smug colleagues whom he dislikes yet fears he resembles, and an endless stream of untalented students. But when a new pupil, Angela (Addison Timlin), shows promise Ted focuses on nurturing her career, and she appears more than willing to devote the one-on-one time required. Basking in Angela’s youth, talent, and admiration, just as she benefits from Ted’s wisdom, experience, and professional connections, it’s only a matter of time before lines are crossed and it becomes unclear whether Ted is predator or prey and Angela is victim or victimizer.
Rated: Not Rated
Release Date: Mar 02, 2018