Leaving India behind to break with a life of petty crime, Riz (Geetanjali Thapa) arrives stateside and gets a housekeeping job at the decidedly landlocked Tides Plaza Motel. Its manager Una (Cynthia Nixon) houses and employs several other young people in dire straits, including Dallas (Olivia DeJonge), Riz’s new roommate. At first antagonistic, the girls soon realize that their opposite personalities complement each other. Dallas is a bit of a wild card, hooking up with the motel’s resident drug dealer – and Una’s son – Jimmy (Robert Aramayo), whereas Riz is guarded but stolid, reluctant to take any route forward that isn’t entirely legal. But when Riz is forced to steal from one of the motel rooms, she inadvertently sets off a series of violent events and becomes entangled in a web of crime. Desperate for agency, Riz and Dallas are forced to take matters into their own hands.
Rated: Not Rated
Release Date: Apr 10, 2020